Fresh Look of True Blood Season 7 – Photos, plus Will Yun Lee Joining as a Major Arc

Unknown | 12:42 AM | 0 comments

Season 7 of True Blood is the final season of this show. According to Michael Lombardo which he was the president HBO Programming, this Season will only be made up of of 10 episode and will air on June 22, 2014.

Here’s the first episode title is “Jesus Gonna Be Here. In second one is “Why must you Kill Me”. Third one is “Where have you been”. Lastly “Lord have Mercy”.

The premiere episode of the Season 7, will focusing on the idea of whether or not humans and vampire as we get long. The closing season will spend more time with the original cast members in Bon Temps somewhat than thinning out out into multiple story lines and locations.

In this is exciting because in True Blood Season 7 episodes which was our last season of True Blood, stay still because there will be joining in the cast which I know you are familiar with him. In I am talking about to…

Will Yun Lee which he will be major Arc, I know you are familiar with this for the reason is he was part of the cast in “Total Recall. He will play as Mr. Gus a Japanese business man living in Texas, who corporeal in good wealth, not only that he was an urban cowboy conduct nearly rivals the size of his huge Stetsons. In remember Gus will do everything and no one will stop him for he want a revenge to a person he wanted to kill. Now the question who he/she will be? Better not to miss this Epic Season of True Blood.

As what I said early HBO released the first look of Images, this going to be exciting that all of them are serious face. (See at below!)

In yea as I forgot Bill will realize what he doing to the past season, finding forgiveness and redemption. In not only that he will want to get Sookie as what we expected.

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