Arrow Season 2 Finale Spoilers: Nyssa’s Arrival, Oliver’s Women in Threat plus Season 3 News!

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Here the blast of the New Spoiler of Arrow where what happen in the Season 2 Finale and not only that they have a slight spoiler what we will expecting in the Arrow Season 3.

Nyssa is Back, Heir to the Damon! Sara was glad that she get some of the member of the League of Assassin’s… “It’s by far the coolest scene we’ve ever shot on the show,” According to Marc Guggenheim additional added “I love the visual of the Arrow standing alongside several dark archers in the Season 2 finale when Season 1′s finale was Oliver versus the Dark Archer.” We’ll to those fans who miss The Arrow Season Finale check it out the link that I provide. On the other hand I just learn that Sara will out in Starling City for she had a condition to the League of Assassins to help the city with the Arrow.

Oliver’s Women in danger, for I was crying when I saw Felicity was been kidnapped with laurel, the Arrow meet him to exchange something which his life, but nevertheless I love this see, for I know later on that Oliver and Felicity are just acting in the first place, where they both in the mansion house, that sort of flashback appeared that Oliver discover that Slade putting some micro camera around in the house. That I love the scene when the Arrow said to Wilson that you don’t have any idea what going in front of you that ,you will be destroy. As for if one of them will die, Marc revealed “There is one character who we will not be seeing at the start of Season 3.”

Another Enemy detective “Amanda Waller” – This best shot for Diggle because Oliver was relaying to Diggle, which to throw-off Suicide Squad member Deadshot as he and Lyla wanted to stop Waller for the destruction of Starling City. Guggenheim told “We’ll learn more about Oliver and Waller’s association. As well, there’s a fairly big development for Diggle in the finale that will set up his story for next year”.

Thea turns to Roy Harper – I just love the scene also when Oliver gives a red mask to Roy that he was heading officially a hero in the house, but Thea learn that once again Roy was lying to him, where his father said at first. Guggenheim also teases bigger plans for Thea, “It’s something that we spent the entire season building up to,” he says. “Whether you know it or not, this is the completion of Thea’s season-long journey.”

A Surprised Flashback!... I just laughing when Slade was in prison but guest what he was not in the normal cell but guest what, he was in full security where located in the island. Anyhow when Facility ask Oliver I don’t see you flying the plane? Flashback! Amell says. “Typically on the show, we have set flashback pieces, but our entire fourth and fifth act of the finale seamlessly inter cut between the past and the present, [featuring] two moments between Slade and Oliver: the formative moment and the culmination of our battle in the present. It’s really something.”

Will the Arrow go back as a Killer, again?... “He needs to go to lengths in the finale that he’s never gone to before; unthinkable lengths, pun intended, but that doesn't necessarily mean killing.” said Amell.

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